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Tuesday 9 July 2013

Herbalife core products ..

There are 3 basic products you should use to achieve remarkable results you want, whether to lose weight or gain weight. These products have undergone a very detailed specific penyilidikan at the University of California Los Angles by expert and recipient of America's best doctors, Dr. David Heber.

  • Formula 1 (Nutritional Shake Mix (Vanilla flavor, Chocolate, Strawberry, Tropical Fruit & Cappuccino
  • Formula 3 (Blended Soy and Whey Protein Powder)
  • Tea Mix (Lemon and Hibiscus, original taste)
These products have a specific role for a very adequate supply of nutrients for your body needs. undergo a healthy life with Herbalife Shapeworks. 1) Formula 1 Nutritious Mixed Soy Powder

  • Provide essential vitamins and nutrients. This advanced meal substitute shake packed with protein and essential nutrients.

  • Contains 19 vitamins and mineral.9 grams of soy protein and 18 grams when mixed with milk or soy milk per serving plus fiber to help you feel full and satisfied.

  • Can help you remove, add or maintain weight.

  • Have five flavors. (French Vanilla 550 gm, Dutch Chocolate, Strawberry 550 gm, 550 gm Tropical Fruit, Cappuccino 550 gm 550 gm)

2) Formula 3 Blended Soy & Whey Protein Powder

  • Protein supplements help prevent hunger.
  • Lean protein supplement that is easy to carry anywhere to control hunger and healthy weight management.
  • Proprietary protein blend of soy and
    Easy dibancuhkan in shakes, soups and sauces.
  • Help build and maintain lean body mass.

3) ShapeWorks ™ Tea Mix
  • To fitness and weight management
  • Instant tea mix, great tasting low calorie help you stay energized and refreshed while you manage your weight.
  • Green tea contains antioxidant and thermogenic
  • Can be enjoyed hot or cold

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